Streaming Egos:
Digital Identities Mutant Geographies
At the invitation of the Goethe-Institut Portugal, curator Sandra Vieira Jürgens selected four Portuguese artists to work on the Portuguese Streaming Egos project

«Mutant Geographies» is the title of the Portuguese contribution to the international project Streaming Egos, centred on the issue of the collective identity of Portugal and Europe in the digital age. How are Europe, Portugal and other European countries (self-) represented in digital culture? What image do we project of ourselves? How do we see Europe and other European countries?
At the invitation of the Goethe-Institut Portugal, curator Sandra Vieira Jürgens selected four Portuguese artists – André Alves, Claudia Fischer, Paulo Mendes and Pedro Portugal – to work on the Portuguese Streaming Egos project, an initiative which aims to question the way in which our identifies are multiplied and transformed in the digital world, and the implications of these changes for our real and imagined representativeness. The contributions of these artists are designed from the outset to be presented in an online environment using the raum: online artist residencies platform.
Streaming Egos is a project organised by the Goethe-Institut in cooperation with the Slow Media Institute in Bonn and the NRW-Forum in Düsseldorf, involving six European countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Italy and Portugal. The project is curated by Sabria David in conjunction with a co-curator in each country who invites artists, creatives and authors from a wide range of fields to conceive works of art and digital creations on the topic of digital identity(ies).
Participation and interaction among all contributors and users is made possible by an online platform with social web components.